How to Get Rid of Groundhogs Living Under Your Shed

Year after year, you take measures to discourage them from coming. Why can't they just take the hint and stay off your property for good? Or at least set up camp somewhere far away in the woods? No, I'm not referring to your in-laws, I'm talking about groundhogs.

To a groundhog, the unprotected space underneath your shed is prime real estate with a big "welcome home" sign. Here's how to give your little squatters an eviction notice and get rid of the groundhogs under your shed… for good.

The havoc wreaked by groundhogs

First off, in case anyone in your family needs convincing that groundhogs aren't just cute and harmless visitors, there are a number of issues they can create.

  • Burrows dug underneath your shed or home can compromise the foundation and lead to very costly repairs.
  • To sharpen their teeth and claws, groundhogs are known to gnaw on underground electric cables.
  • Groundhogs can cause damage to the root system of gardens and crops, killing plants.
  • Gardens and crops are also an all-you-can-eat buffet for groundhogs.
  • Heavy farm equipment like tractors can fall through burrows.
  • Their dens have large dirt mounds and holes that can be hazardous to people walking and a liability for the property owner.
  • Groundhogs can actually be quite aggressive, especially when surprised outside of their dens or when chased by dogs. Anyone who has heard the "chatter" made by a groundhog can attest that they can be quite threatening.

Relocate the groundhog

You don't have to harm your furry friends to get rid of the groundhogs under your shed. Cage traps like the Havahart make it fairly easy to capture and relocate the intruder without injury.

If you're working with a 1-door trap, pick up some bait and place it at the end of the trap, behind the trigger plate. Keep the bait away from the trap walls so the groundhog can't reach it from the outside. For 2-door traps, place the bait in the middle of the trap to ensure they step on the trigger plate.

Fresh strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches, corn, string beans, peas, and lettuce are all tempting treats for a groundhog. Wear gloves while positioning the bait to prevent your scent from transferring. Leave a trail of bait leading from the groundhog's burrow (or another highly trafficked spot) to the trap.

After you've caught one, relocate them at least 10 miles from your shed or you'll find yourself right back where you started. Leave them in the woods or a meadow, preferably far away from manmade structures or they may find themselves facing a less patient property owner.

Discourage groundhogs from returning

Outdoor Shed Free of Groundhogs!

Peep the wind chime hanging from this fine shed we recently built. The owners also sit in those chairs frequently, further discouraging groundhogs from making an appearance.

Rather not meet your trespasser face to face or want to discourage him from returning? There are many ways you can make your shed a less attractive home. Here are a few ideas:

  • Pour ammonia around your shed and in any holes they've dug. Many people swear by this simple and inexpensive method.
  • Place lawn windmills, windchimes, or a vibrating sonic device near your shed. Groundhogs avoid vibrations in the ground.
  • Adopt a dog or cat and encourage them to spend time sniffing around the shed.
  • Spread human scent around your yard with hair clippings.
  • Install chicken wire underground to prevent groundhogs from digging under your shed.

It's a bummer you never received a deposit from your unwelcome tenant, he probably did some damage to the base of your shed. Make necessary repairs and then don't forget to maintain your wooden outdoor storage shed properly to ensure longevity.

Now that you know how to get rid of groundhogs under your shed for good, you can shift your attention to more pressing problems… like how to tell your mother in law you're not emotionally prepared for another week long visit. Good luck!

How to Get Rid of Groundhogs Living Under Your Shed


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